Periodic acceptance test
Geometrical test only
Performance test only
None of the above
0.03 / 100 mm
0.03 / 200 mm
0.03 / 300 mm
0.03 / 400 mm
Dial test indicator
Test mandrel and dial test indicator
Precision height gauge
Test mandrel and precision height gauge
0.02 to 0.05 / 100 mm
0.02 to 0.05 / 200 mm
0.02 to 0.05 / 500 mm
0.02 to 0.05 / 1000 mm
Carry away the heat produced in bearing
Prevent metal-to-metal contact and reduce friction
Prevent entry of foreign material i.e dust, dirt etc. in the bearing
Provide a cushion to a load and shocks