Baseband?is a?signal?that has a very narrow frequency range, i.e. a spectral magnitude that is nonzero only for frequencies in the vicinity of the origin (termed?f?= 0) and negligible elsewhere
123) baseband signal refers to the
Answer is:
signal containing the message or information before modulation
Related Electronic Devices and Communication MCQ with Answers
Answer is:
size of antenna would be huge
need for modulation arises from antenna considerations. If base band signal is to be transmitted then size of antenna would be huge
Answer is:
750 MHz
Coaxial cables have a bandwidth in the range of 750 MHz
Answer is:
need to transmit a number of signals simultaneously on the same transmitter
need for modulation also arises from need to transmit a number of signals simultaneously on the same transmitter
Answer is:
Given that a sinusoidal carrier is given by?c(t)=Acsin(?c+?), in amplitude modulation the quantity depends on baseband signal is Ac