need for modulation also arises from need to transmit a number of signals simultaneously on the same transmitter
126) need for modulation also arises from
Answer is:
need to transmit a number of signals simultaneously on the same transmitter
Related Electronic Devices and Communication MCQ with Answers
Answer is:
Given that a sinusoidal carrier is given by?c(t)=Acsin(?c+?), in amplitude modulation the quantity depends on baseband signal is Ac
Answer is:
Given that a sinusoidal carrier is given by c(t)=Acsin(?c+?), in frequency modulation the quantity depends on baseband signal is ?c
Answer is:
Given that a sinusoidal carrier is given by c(t)=Acsin(?c+?), in phase modulation the quantity depends on baseband signal is ?
Answer is:
pulse height or the peak voltage
Pulse is specified by pulse height or the peak voltage, the pulse duration and pulse to pulse spacing. In pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) what changes with base band signal is pulse height or the peak voltage