Newton's second law of motion
The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the impressed force, and takes place in the same direction in which the force acts. This statement is known as Newton's second law of motion
The mass is a matter contained in a body. Mass is expressed in kilogram (kg).
The weight of a body is a force by which it is attracted towards the centre of the earth. Weight is expressed in Newtons (N).
The relation between the mass and weight of a body is given by W = m.g
When a body falls freely under gravitational force, it possesses no weight.
The momentum is defined as the total motion possessed by a body.
Mathematically, Momentum = Mass x Velocity
all of the above
In Projectile
* A path, traced by a projectile in the space, is known as trajectory.
* The velocity with which a projectile is projected, is known as the velocity of projection.
* The angle, with the horizontal, at which a projectile is projected is known as angle of projection.