starts at 40 Degree after bottom dead centre and ends at 30 Degree before top dead centre
starts at 40 Degree before bottom dead centre and ends at 30 Degree after bottom dead centre
starts at bottom dead centre and ends at top dead centre
may start and end anywhere
chemically correct
none of these
U234 = 0.006%, U235 = 0.712% and U238 = 99.282%
U234 = 0.712%, U235 = 0.006% and U238 = 99.282%
U234 = 99.282%, U235 = 0.006% and U238 = 0.712%
U234 = 0.006%, U235 = 99.282% and U238 = 0.712%
chemically correct air-fuel ratio by weight
chemically correct air-fuel ratio by volume
actual air-fuel ratio for maximum efficiency