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above 427 degree Centigrade but lower than that of base metal is used
Brazing is a process of joining metals by using layer of nonferrous metal between the surface to be joined. The alloy used for brazing is known as spelter (combination of copper and zinc). Brazing is a process, in which a non-ferrous filler metal having a melting point above 427 degree Centigrade but lower than that of base metal is used.
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In resistance brazing, the electrodes used are made of Carbon.
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Step-down transformer
In resistance brazing, the source of power supply is step-down transformer.
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50% copper and 50% zinc
Spelter is a brazing alloy consisting 50% copper and 50% zinc.
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silver brazing
Silver brazing In this method of brazing, the melting point of the filler metal ranges from 620 Degree Centigrade to 800 Degree Centigrade and it is used in instrument making. The method is