There are three types of 3D modelling are in AutoCad –
1) Solid Modelling
2) Wireframe Modelling
3) Surface Modelling
4) How many types of 3D modelling are in AutoCad?
Related 3D modelling using CAD MCQ with Answers
There are two types of surfaces are in surface modelling
1) Parametric
2) Implicit
C- plane
The CPlane command sets the origin and orientation of the construction plane in the active viewport.
AutoCAd Shortcut commands
F1 Display Help
F2 Toggle text screen
F3 Toggle object snap mode
F4 Toggle 3DOsnap
F5 Toggle Isoplane
F6 Toggle Dynamic UCS
F7 Toggle grid mode
F8 Toggle ortho mode
F9 Toggle snap mode
F10 Toggle polar mode
F11 Toggle object snap tracking
F12 Toggle dynamic input mode
AutoCAd Shortcut commands
F1 Display Help
F2 Toggle text screen
F3 Toggle object snap mode
F4 Toggle 3DOsnap
F5 Toggle Isoplane
F6 Toggle Dynamic UCS
F7 Toggle grid mode
F8 Toggle ortho mode
F9 Toggle snap mode
F10 Toggle polar mode
F11 Toggle object snap tracking
F12 Toggle dynamic input mode