In the single slit diffraction every point on the slit acts as secondary
81) In the single slit diffraction every point on the slit acts
Answer is:
as a secondary source
Related Optics MCQ with Answers
Answer is:
In the single slit diffraction the screen is at a large distance compared to slit width the different rays from the slit would be parallel
Answer is:
The rainbow fringes of an oil slick on water
The rainbow fringes of an oil slick on water cannot be explaind
Answer is:
spreading due to diffraction dominates over that due to ray optics
For distances much greater than Fresnel distance 2F spreading due to diffraction dominates over that due to ray optics
Answer is:
the wave has only y displacements
We say that a light wave is linearly polarized in y direction if the wave has only y displacements