Before transmission the AM produced by a square law device goes through a power amlifier
138) Before transmission the AM produced by a square law device
Answer is:
goes through a power amplifier
Related Electronic Devices and Communication MCQ with Answers
Answer is:
antenna power and carrier frequency
The range of an AM broadcast depends antenna and carrier frequency
Answer is:
AM produced by a square law device is passed through a power amplifier and fed to antenna
Answer is:
recovering the modulating signal from the received signal
The?detection?of?AM?radio signals is a diode application. The modulated?AM?carrier wave is received by the antenna of the radio receiver and is rectified
Answer is:
diodes for rectification and capacitors for storing the peaks
The?detection?of?AM?radio signals is a diode application. The modulated?AM?carrier wave is received by the antenna of the radio receiver and is rectified