Cupola Furnace is a melting device which used to melt cast iron, Bronze and other alloying elements are melted. It is mainly used to convert pig iron to cast iron.
Cupola furnace is employed for melting scrap metal or pig iron for production of various cast irons. It is also used for production of nodular and malleable cast iron.
204) Cupola produces following material
Answer is:
cast iron
Related Engineering Materials MCQ with Answers
Answer is:
The strength, hardness, and modulus of elasticity of magnesium-base materials decrease with increasing temperature. Also, the elongation increases with rising temperature up to just below the melting point where it drops to nearly zero.
Answer is:
is also known as chilled cast iron and is obtained by cooling rapidly. It is almost unmachinable
White cast iron Is also known as chilled cast iron and is obtained by cooling rapidly. It is almost un-machinable
White cast iron is a cast iron without any alloy addition and with low Carbon and Si content such that the structure is hard brittle iron carbide with no free graphite.
A fast cooling rate prevents the precipitation of Carbon as graphite.