Projection welding is a modification of spot welding.
In this process, the weld is localized by means of raised sections, or projections, on one or both of the workpieces to be joined.
110) Projection welding is a
Answer is:
multi-spot welding process
Related Workshop Technology MCQ with Answers
Answer is:
upset but welding
Upset butt welding is a welding technique that produces coalescence simultaneously over the entire area of abutting surfaces or progressively along a joint, by the heat obtained from resistance to electric current through the area where those surfaces are in contact.
Answer is:
flash butt welding
The welding process used in joining mild steel shanks to high speed drills is Flash butt welding.
Answer is:
contact resistance
In arc welding, the electric arc is produced between the work and the electrode by Contact resistance.
Answer is:
work is connected to the positive terminal and electrode holder to the negative terminal
The welding set up is said to have straight polarity, when Work is connected to the positive terminal and the electrode holder to the negative terminal.