Simple dies or single action dies perform single operation for each stroke of the press slide. The operation may be one of the operation listed under cutting or forming dies.
100) In a simple die
Answer is:
none of the above
Related Workshop Technology MCQ with Answers
Answer is:
two or more cutting operations are performed at one station of the press in every stroke of the ram
In a compound die Two or more cutting operations are performed at one station of the press in every stroke of the ram.
Answer is:
combination die
In a Combination die both cutting and non-cutting operations are performed at one station of the press in every stroke of the ram.
Answer is:
compound die
Blanking and piercing operations can be performed simultaneously in a Compound die.
Answer is:
combination die
It is difficult from compound die in that in this die, a cutting operation is combined with a bending or drawing operation, due to that it is called combination die.