132) In calculating the strength of a riveted joint in tearing, shearing and crushing, the
Answer is:
actual diameter of hole drilled for rivet is used
Related Strength of Materials MCQ with Answers
Answer is:
Rivets are generally specified by its shank diameter.
Answer is:
the ratio of wall thickness of the vessel to its diameter is greater than 1/10
If the thickness of the wall of a shell is less than 1/10 of its diameter, it is known as thin shell.
If the thickness of the wall of a shell is greater than 1/10 of its diameter, it is known as thick shell.
The thick shells are, generally, used to withstand high pressures. Sometimes, even, compound thick shells are used to withstand very high pressures or to contain chemicals under high pressure.
The problem of thick cylinders is, somewhat, complex and is solved by Lame's theory.