The maximum frictional force, which comes into play, when an body just begins to slide over the surface of the other body, is known as limiting friction.
34) The maximum frictional force, which comes into play, when a body just begins to slide over the surface of the other body, is known as
limiting friction
Related Engineering Mechanics MCQ with Answers
static friction
Static Friction The friction experienced by a body, when it is at rest is known as static friction.
Dynamic Friction The friction experienced by a body, when it is in motion is called dynamic friction. Dynamic friction is also called as kinetic friction.
greater than one
Static Friction The friction experienced by a body, when it is at rest is known as static friction.
Dynamic Friction The friction experienced by a body, when it is in motion is called dynamic friction. Dynamic friction is also called as kinetic friction.
Dynamic friction always less than static friction.
The ratio of static friction to dynamic friction is always greater than one.
dynamic friction
Static Friction The friction experienced by a body, when it is at rest is known as static friction.
Dynamic Friction The friction experienced by a body, when it is in motion is called dynamic friction. Dynamic friction is also called as kinetic friction.
all of the above
The static friction
* bears a constant ratio to the normal reaction between the two surfaces
* is independent of the area of contact, between the two surfaces
* always acts in a direction, opposite to that in which the body tends to move