67) A particle moves along a straight line such that distance (x) traversed in t seconds is given by x = t2 (t - 4), the acceleration of the particle will be given by the equation
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Related Structural Engineering III MCQ with Answers
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Angle of projection: Angle of projection is the angle, with the horizontal,at which the projectile is projected.
A projectile is fired at an angle θ to the vertical. Its horizontal range will be maximum when θ is 45°.
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the friction force acting when the body is just about to move
Answer is:
Static Friction The friction experienced by a body, when it is at rest is known as static friction.
Dynamic Friction The friction experienced by a body, when it is in motion is called dynamic friction. Dynamic friction is also called as kinetic friction.
Dynamic friction always less than static friction.
The ratio of static friction to dynamic friction is always greater than one.